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Our Composable GRC Modules
Engage stakeholders using the
CyberDESK® Front Door
Are you struggling with shared mailboxes for cyber engagements?
Do you have delays in responding to new work?
Do your stakeholders have difficulty understanding your cyber services and how to access them?
Streamline and hyperautomate your stakeholder collaboration, hide service complexity, and align with ITSM processes, without engagement bottlenecks, constant email filtering, or customer dissatisfaction.
40% lower cost cyber front door
What is it?
CyberDESK is a ML/AI-native multi-channel Digital Assistant that uses advanced AI to understand and navigate cyber governance processes.
How it works
Use Text (Teams, Slack, SMS), Chat (Teams / WebChat), Voice (IVR / Zoom/ Mobile) or APIs to engage.

40% less cost than a traditional front door
Rebuild stakeholder confidence in your cyber services
Automate all cyber services
using CyberCOMPOSER workflows
Do you have an overworked cyber team?
Do you have a backlog of cyber GRC work?
Do you need to identify process improvements?
Streamline and hyper-automate all cyber governance processes, save time, eliminate errors and re-build stakeholder confidence, without relying on scarce resources, manual steps, or the skill of individuals.
30% more productive cyber team
What is it?
CyberCOMPOSER is our ML/AI-native workflow automation platform that can orchestrate disparate cyber governance people, processes, and technology.
How it works
Use the full BMPN 2.0 workflow engine and leverage per-process advanced ML/AI bots inside our Oracle Cloud powered architecture.

30% more productive compared to non BPMN enabled platforms
Reduce the backlog without hiring more people
Understand and manage cyber risks using MyRISK™
Do you feel out of control due to constant changes in your cyber risk and control environment?
Do you have gaps in cyber capability that you can’t address?
Are your cyber assessments varying in quality?
Confidently understand and communicate your risk and control environment, demonstrate business alignment, and optimise cyber risk return on investment, without worrying about gaps in knowledge, lack of expertise, or variation in quality.
Cyber Security GRC in 1/10th of the Time
What is it?
MyRISK™ is our core risk and issues management module in HyperGRC that features a cyber data model, cyber specific functionality and can be composed and integrated with disparate cyber processes and systems.
How it works
Use MyRISK alongside our other modules or your own systems to compose a full feature cyber GRC.

Out of the box supplier, risk, issue and action management
Built by cyber risk professionals with globally cited research
Optimise cyber return on investment using CyberQUANT™ modelling
Do you have difficulty prioritising control remediation activities in your cyber program of work?
Are your leaders asking for the ROI or risk buy-down associated with your cyber roadmap?
Do you need to quantify pre and post insured cyber risk?
Confidently understand and communicate your cyber risk in dollar value terms, talk in the language of the Board, and optimise return on investment, without worrying about engaging consultants, blindly following vendors, or rely on what worked well in the past.
Talk in the language of the Board
What is it?
CyberQUANT® is a risk quantification engine that uses multiple models like Open FAIR to measure cyber risk and optimise cyber investments
How it works
Use the engine to define MITRE scenarios, quantify the risk using Open FAIR or your own algorithms, calculate ROI of baskets of control changes and monitor risk buy-down.

Investment decision making based on ROI trade-offs.
Better business engagement and understanding of cyber risk
Secure, scale and integrate using RESITEK™ architecture
Do you worry about the security and resilience of your cyber function?
Are you struggling with data volumes or real-time / edge data needs?
Are you worried about hosting your cyber data offshore, or with a foreign entity?
Ensure cyber survivability, scale GRC to real-time and the edge, and innovate with ML/AI at speed, without worrying about supplier or data sovereignty, cyber risk data silos, or additional complex technology
100% Oracle managed, certified architecture
What is it?
RESITEK™ is our underlying highly secure and resilient data centric architecture entirely hosted in fully managed ML/AI-native Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) services on Defence, Private or Public clouds.
How it works
RESITEK™ innovatively connects our Cyber Security GRC platform, Workflow engine, Digital Assistant, and ML/AI Bots using Oracle ADB advanced features such as Oracle Machine Learning.

100% Oracle managed zero trust, zero loss, certified infrastructure.
100% encrypted, automated, always on, architected in security
In the Media

HyperGRC™ Revolutionising Cyber with the World First Composable GRC
Press Release HyperGRC™ Revolutionising the Cyber Landscape with the World First Composable GRC Platform HyperGRC™ offers a composable architecture and free-tier GRC. Sydney, Australia – 7 May 2024 - HyperGRC™,

Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy
The Australian Cyber Security Strategy (2023-2030) process started with a Discussion Paper that sought views on measures to protect and enhance Australia’s cyber resilience. It asked 21 questions and received 330 submissions

HyperGRC™ presented at Oracle User Group
The MyRISK® Journey to develop HyperGRC™ was presented to the Australian Oracle User Group (AUSOUG) at their AUSOUG Connect 2023 one day event in Melbourne on 22 November 2023. The

HyperGRC™ showcased at CyberCON 2023
MyRISK® was proud to be a sponsor of the Australian Information Security Association's (AISA) annual Cyber Conference from 17-19 October in Melbourne, Australia. The southern hemisphere's largest cyber security conference,