Don’t continue to be worried about siloed enterprise and deployed environment cyber-worthiness.
A sovereign AI-enabled cyber GRC capability across both enterprise and deployed environments
HyperGRC® can help you integrate legacy systems and data, scale cyber-worthiness, and be confident in systems survivability.
Don’t continue to being worried about the inability to scale for real-time cyber data or cater for disconnected sources.
- Improve flow of cyber risk data
- Integrate legacy systems and data sources
- Distribute cyber risk functionality to the field
- Increase confidence in systems survivability
Quad Chart
Products and Services
- A sovereign AI-enabled cyber governance, risk and compliance (GRC) capability across both enterprise and deployed environments.
- Composable open API architecture.
- Entirely hosted in Oracle Autonomous Database and OCI Data Science.
- Deployable at Edge (Oracle RED), Data Centre (Oracle@EXADATA) Oracle public, government and defence clouds.
- Development, support, implementation of MyRISK HyperGRC platform.
- Cyber GRC consulting (risk, assurance, audit, supply chain).
- Development of cyber risk ML/AI models and LLM capabilities.
- Manage and scale cyber-worthiness exercises using enhanced AI enabled workflow.
- Record and manage cyber-worthiness assessments, risks, issues, and actions at enterprise, unit, supplier, systems, and asset levels.
- Conduct risk quantification assessments using Open FAIR or custom algorithms.
- Cyber process workflow and cyber workforce management.
- Integrate real time and disconnected data sources.
- Integrate using all Oracle OCI Data Integration capabilities – data, big data, real-time, event driven, pub/sub, and streaming.
- 100% Australian owned sovereign cyber GRC platform.
- Simple, secure, scalable – Highly secure, data centric Oracle infrastructure.
- Cyber-first, ML-first roadmap aligned to defence ML/AI objectives.
- Integrated ML/AI development and execution environment.
- Quick adoption of any new ML/AI innovation in cyber domain.
- Cyber specific data model and end-to-end cyber risk functionality.
- Composable, Open API architecture.
- Full BPMN workflow engine.
Key Customers and Partners
- Oracle ISV partner supported by Oracle APAJ Defence account team.
- UNSW partner (UNSW Founders).
- Development of cyber risk frameworks and tools for critical infrastructure industries in Australia since 2004.
- Oracle Government Data Centre is a certified strategic hosting provider and ASIO T4 certified.
- Oracle Sydney and Melbourne Cloud regions are IRAP certified at PROTECTED level/
Our team has been building cyber risk tools and frameworks since 2004
As critical infrastructure risk managers our HyperGRC® leadership team understand the challenges of managing the increasing cyber threat of State actors.
- Our partner Oracle is an existing Defence contractor, with unparalleled database and data integration capabilities.
- Our team includes Defence experienced and cleared personnel supported by Oracle’s APAJ Defence Account.
It's time to integrate and innovate cyber-worthiness.
Schedule a time to see how HyperGRC® can be composed to solve your sovereign cyber GRC needs.
At MyRISK® HyperGRC® we know that you want to be confident of systems survivability so you can manage risk to soldiers on the ground.
The problem is you have siloed enterprise and deployed cyber systems and data, you can’t scale to near real time, and you don’t have a solution for disconnected sources.
This makes you worried and threatens your forces.
We believe that’s just plain wrong –
Defence forces deserve all the support they can get to ensure systems survivability.
As critical infrastructure risk managers we understand the challenges of managing the increasing cyber threat of State actors.
- Our team has been managing cyber risk and building tools and frameworks for some of Australia’s largest companies since 2004.
- Our team includes Defence experienced and NV2 cleared personnel.
- Our partner Oracle is an existing Defence contractor, with unparalleled database and data integration capabilities.
Here’s how to do it:
- Schedule a time to see the platform
- Arrange a POC or Trial (we are at TRL6).
- Use our advanced AI-enabled capabilities to integrate cyber data, scale, and automate cyber-worthiness.
Book a time today so you can stop being worried about siloed systems and data, an inability to scale, or continuing to have your soldiers threatened by limited systems survivability.

7 Keys to Cyber Governance Excellence